Tuesday, July 18, 2017

The Sphere on the lake

Deep in the erotic jungle Ownverse somewhere..
Gradually Crimson realize she's becoming a part of the Ownverse. As the ginger layed relaxed under the hand of the renegade musclenoid,her memories of earth are slipping away. Though she trys to fight it some memories dissolve and often replace with memories of vivid dreams. As his cheetah horse emerges out of the jungle,the exotic ginger stirs awake from a vivid dream which Nobar gives her back to Sin under reclaimation. She recalls the bits of the dream where Sin carries her to some magic stone structure and she's consents with him. Crimson shudders of being reclaimed by Sin-often her dream comet true. Which never happen on earth.
 She stare blankly as Nobar rides out of the erotic jungle and onto a beautiful lake surrounded by footbills. She notes the foothills isolate the surreal beautiful lake. Unexpectly she murmurs,"I'm hungry."
Nobar feeds her a small fig and she eats it. Seconds later she feels strange subdueness overwhelm her as his steed stops. The curvy ginger now rests more relax and inviting on his steed. Crimson hardly struggles when Nobar lifts from his steed and throws her over his shoulder. His large fand grips her bare ass firmly and he squeezes her gently.
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH she moans as feels Nobar turn and heads toward a stone path which leads into the lake. She blurts, "Where are you taking me."
"You'll find out ginger."
Crimson doesn't struggle over his shoulder,she doesn't tense her muscles due to the drugged fig he fed her. The drug keeps her calm and under his control. As he follows the stone path into the lake she sees a sphere resting perfectly balance on the water. She glaces at the hilly foothills. There is no such thing as a safespace here,she thinks,for whoever wants will find me.
 She feels Nobar tightens his fingers over her. Her nude hardbod and long orange redhair glow as dusk rolls. Still visions of the other musclenoid Sin feel her mind of him reclaiming her for himself.
 Nobar enters the stone sphere. and its stone door slides shut.
 Seconds later Nobar drops Crimson on her back on an Egyptian like coutch. She knows whats coming and her own sexual appaetite needs to be contented. She feels restless and flirty. Her blue eyes stare into Nobar's eyes. "Kiss me great one," she murmurs.
At her own words she feels the power sphere. At the sametime she feels another memory slip away. 

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