In the exotic ruins of an unknown,unamed city somewhere in the erotic jungles of the Ownverse...
The moons have change phases.
Deep in the underground of the ancient temple near a running stream,the three of them had an orgy.Crimson never thought reptiles can be so sexy but the raptors surprise her and after the lovemaking between them she falls asleep. She's unaware of the moon change nor the hidden glowing eyes that have been watching her for sometime.
A voice whispers: "We must have her."
The curvious ginger turns in her sleep as her orange and redhair glows in the torchlit darkness.
Another voice "Legend has it this ginger is from earth and the gods brought her here."
"That's true my friend," the other voice replys.Thier conversation changes from there to how to steal the ginger since the moonphase has dictated that it's time to sell her. The hidden figures understood the rule but a moonphase too means than can take the ginger without making a payment.The voice whispers:"When she escapes we grab her."
"Of course," the other voice says.
Crimson stirs awake and rises between the raptors as they sleep. She sneaks out between unaware she's being watched. She sneaks to the shallow stream but she now discovers that's a mistake. A pair of hands clasp her mouth and waiste. She feels unknown forces are dragging her back into the darkness. She can't make them out. As she struggles she feels her wrists being tied and her ankles tied.A gag is put over her mouth. Crimson squeals in a fearful panic as she feels a hefty hand toss her over its shoulder.She bites the gag in horror when she hears the raptors be killed. As bites her gag Crimson feels overwhelmed by an unknown sedititve. She drifts asleep as the cult members sneak out of the underground via a stream cavern.
Crimson is handed over to the leader and he lays her close to him on mighty cheetah horse steed. The leader,a beastman,knows she'll be awake soon. The cult member gallup off with the own goddess for they have their own plans for her.
Hours later...
The ginger wakesup to feel a powerful hand on her bare ass. She stares into the eyes of the beastman with a panic.He feels her nude harbod tense in reaction.The beastman pulls her gag off.
"Who now poessess me?" She inquires.
"The Vodor Cult."
She gasps "Uh-Oh". As the beastman and his cadre ride off with their ginger toward their lofty temple in the exotic jungle. Crimson could could only guess what the cult would do with her.
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