Sin Dominates Chloe

 Deep somewhere in the jungles of Offworld...

Her sensual moan echos softly in the strange jungle under the bright moonlight of the she feels his powerful man like fingers keeping her in her place extremely close to him. Her long red hair dances in the wind as she stares blankly at the neon beautiful jungle around Chloe the Own Goddess rests on his galluping steed she feels the power of her own Sin and his lustful eyes staring down at her nude curvy bod as it glows. She feels his power course through her viens. She knows that Sin has saught her out and lusted for her....

She feels his fingers squeeze her...OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhh she moans again and she hears that moan echo through the jungle. Her moan also alert others unknow of her presence in the vast jungle and those  unknow desire to own her at thier wins. 

Yet for Chloe Offworld feels infinite like the larger world Ownverse whos unseen gods selected her long ago...eons ago time often feels like to her. She knows her native earth is no more and this present universe is her own choice and a choice she can't reverse in time nor space. No earth god couldn't save her from her destined fate...

As Chloe rests on his long legged strange unicorn,Sin gallups closer to the strange glistining flat desert which sparkles under the strange Ownverse light. Sin has been tightlipped where he's taking his redhair goddess. Chloe could imagine as she squirmed under his powerful fingers. Whereever he's going Chloe knows that poessess her often don't tell her as if some unwritten rule. She tenses her muscles but his larger hand keeps in her place close to him. Sin makes Chloe feel the power domination as he kisses her cheek and her blue eyes stares at the sparkling desert but in this universe she's the real rare jewel. 

"Mon where are you taking me?" Chloe gasps. 

She stares at the shadow of Sin which dominates her. Chloe sways as Sin's powerful unicorn gallups into the surreal flat desert which to Chloe stretches infinite...

Now she and Sin are alone...

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