Deep,deep,deep in the erotic jungles on the Ownverse...
Along an unfamiliar path..
With his Crimson subdued over his shoulder,Narko moves unimpeded along his path. Frequent the sesnious Ginger squirms but Narko reminds of her place as he grips her bare thighs. She feels his fingers gently squeeze her.
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH she moans seductively as she glances around the jungle trying to determine where Narko is taking her. She senses that Narko is looking for a place for he can quickly force her to consent and after that she will be in his control. It's common for Owner to consent with his own goddess to have some form control.A control which Crimson understands whenever she's sold or abducted by those who inhabit the erotic jungle. As the own goddess,Crimson feels she's the foil at those who wish to poessess her. Being a ginger she realizes she's very rare here.
Crimson wants to escape him but fears what other creatures of the Ownverse want her for their own agenda.
Narko moves quickly along the path and Crimson note three and four prong toe footprints of reptiles which inhabit the jungle. Creatures larger than her that would devour her in heartbeat if she stray into their feeding grounds.
"Where are you taking me?" Crimson pleas.
"You will find out my ginger."
Crimson moans and squirm but Narko keeps her anchored over his shoulder. Crimson realizes she underestimated the musclenoid. She feels a stinger pierce his flesh and suddenly Crimson drifts asleep to Narko's relief.
A few hours later.....
Crimson wakes up tied spread eagle in a field of tulips. She inhales the seductive tulips aroma and finds herself wanting to satisfy Narko. He appears and places himself on top of her. His hands roam all over her as she says "Please me Narko."
She gets what she wants as Narko caresses her and kisses. She murmurs softly to his romantic touch and an hour later Crimson declares. "I consend myself to you."
Once she makes that statement he cuts her loose and reties her wrists behind her back. A few meters distance Crimson sees he acquire a lizard for his steed. She feels his hand on her shoulder and he marches her toward his beast. Crimson knows the journey isn't over it's just the beginning and now she can do Narko's bidding.
"What now?"
"Be quiet my ginger."
Crimson remains quiet as his hideous looking lizard draws closer. She's now under Narko's control.
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