Friday, June 30, 2017

Abducted Crimson

Deep in the vast erotic jungles of the Ownverse.
In a cave somewhere.

The interlopers know what to do. They lick their tongues as they stare at a tied Crimson on the slim pole and then at Narko,the musclenoid. The interlopers are intelligent Raptor lizards and they rush and kill their prey in seconds. But with the exotic ginger in their sight they want her alive for one reason or the other. Crimson doesn't see them as she trys to keep her eyes on Narko,whom she made love no more than a few hours ago. "Musclenoid you turn me on," she murmurs and she hears own soft echo in the cave,unaware the Raptors are watching her.
One the Raptors throws glowing sand particles on the musclenoid. The glowing particles are actually a sleeping drug which will keep Narko out for a few days.
 The Raptors eye the bound ginger.
"Now," one of them says.
Crimson hears rustling sounds in the dark cool cavern; out of nowhere a cool claw clasp her mouth as she's taken by surprise. She feels her bonds slash and she screams EHHHHHHHHH at the sight of the Raptors. Quickly one gags her mouth and another binds her wrists behind her back. Swept with horror over the reptiles,she faints in the leader's arms and gently he tosses his bare ass ginger over his shoulder. The two reptiles sneak out of the cavern via different route and Narko in a deep sleep doesn't even notice his ginger has been taken.
  Hours later..
Crimson stirs awake on a scaley mane of a lizard and she feels the raptor's claw on her bare hardbod as she scream. It's like a nightmare from her childhood which a lizard stole her. A dream that follow her into adulthood; now the dream is a reality. She feels his claw gently squeeze her,she moans OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
 As she lays on the reptile lizard,she gazes around the jungle. She feels as if she's being taken into the Ownverse. She feels the claw in her long orange redhair. As she lets his claw dangle in her hair,she gazes at him and ask "Now you stolen me where are we going?"
The raptor instead licks her cheek and Crimson turns away. She gazes at the beautiful jungle as she's now owned by some Raptors.

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