Fall a few months later...
It starts when Chloe sees shadows.
She sees the strange cloak shadows in the dusk of evening and then they disappear. Chloe senses that they're not of this earth but of someplace she knows. Her destiny. She started seeing the shadows over week ago. She's seen the same shadows in her house and when she turns they're gone. She isn't spook by them yet she feels the strange world the Ownverse creeping upon her. Whenever she slept the exotic orange redhead had a a recurring dream: she's on her chest on strange alien horse and the cloaked rider follows some predertined path in a alien jungle. All she knows she's nude with her wrists bound behind her back and her beautiful being whip by the wind..she would wake up sometimes early morning in her bed from the incredible vivid dream. She feels her dream is a premination to come..
As each day passes she sees the shadows in the forest with more frequency and sees them face to face at times. .
She decides to make herself a campfire and camp near the forest in front of her quiet house. She knows those shadows are Druids and they chose her. Chloe decides to make it easy for them to take her. Whatever the Ownverse is she's accepted her strange destiny. She's dress in nothing but her light robe with nothing underneath. She didn't have to worry about peeping toms from town since she lives so far out. She lays on her yogamat near the warm fire. The full supermoon rises high and the sounds nature are quiet.
The larger than life druid shadows now surround her and Chloe rises. Chloe declares "Take me wise gods of the Ownverse." She stands as she feels her wrists being bound behind her back. The druid shadows engulf her and she marches willing with them into semi lit forest toward her destiny.
"Stop," a voice echoes hauntingly.
Chloe does so and one of the shadows points his strange staff toward the air and he opens a wormhole behfore them. One of the druid shadows lifts Chloe over his shoulder as she gasps. The druids disappear with her into the strange wormhole and it disappears as well. For a few seconds Chloe feels time and space tug at her...she blacks out...
Seconds later Chloe stirs awake and finds herself nude as she lays on a cheetah horse. Everything in the dream is coming to true. She feels the cool hand of the druid on her bare ass as the bizarre colors of the Ownverse jungle spin bedore her...she sees the strange moons hanging in the sky. She knows on earth no one will notice her gone,missing.
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH she moans as she feels the Druid gently squeeze her. Then Chloe calms down as she has founded her destiny...
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