Along an unknown gleamin stream amidst the lush erotic jungle of the Ownverse Several Twilight moons later...
Chloe had a dark feeling this isn't Skullface but something else that now poessess her.She had this dread feeling when she consummated again with Skullface in a broken square structure waystation. She's now under whatever ths creature is for she now layed on her chest her ankles and wrists loosely bound. Yet the powerful huge fingers reminds her who now controls her. A choice,a control she can't shake nor change despite her goddess status within the Ownverse.
She rests on a commandeered huge black widow spider which navigates the gleaming streambank with no problem. Chloe could see a bottom face of the mountain come into view. Her eyes remain affix on the mountain shore and the mountain wall.
"If you're not Skullface who are you?" Chloe begs softly.
"I'm a shadow shapeshifter that can take form of anything my lovely Ginger Goddess of Earth. That;s all you need to know."
The helpless Ginger Own Goddess sees no point in getting angry over the deception. She murmurs "I gave my body and soul to you. You have the power to keep me Shapeshifter whatever you are."
"Something else more powerful wants you." The Shapeshifter declares as his hand keeps the ginger haired Chloe in her place. Her nude curvy hardbod made her a worthy goddess human to keep. To own so to speak.
She conintues to stare at the mountain as they draw closer. Chloe's telepathy senses a door which only a magic spell or saying can be opened. What lay behind the door she could only guess and she could only that something more powerful who wanted her in the first place. Having been stolen from Vlad didn't matter more powerful forces of the universe are at work and manipulating events down to this moment---
The shadow shapeshifter stops on the rocky shore of the mountain face. Chloe glances above and sees a huge crack of lightening as dark storm clouds gather. She sees another base across the shore as she looks upward it forms a surreal abyss gap for she sees the storm clouds clearly. She feels the coming nector rain as her captor the shadow shapeshifter recites a spell and a huge stone door opens.
He guides his spider in,clutching a bewilder Chloe firmly his fingers squeeze her bare ass again..OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH she moans aloud.
Moments later....
With her wrists still bound behind her back,the shapeshifter marches the nude supple ginger into a throne room where a goblin figure sits feasting its eyes at her. It says "You found my Chloe of Erth now the Sensous Own Goddess."
Chloe stands memorized. She thought all goblins have died out.
Her fear quickly takes over, "I serve you my Riko."
"Ah submissive ginger you're doing the right thing."
The goblin god Riko steps down from his thrown and gathers the fearful Ginger Own Goddess over his shoulder. For it's the way. The curvy ginger squirms and moans as Riko her rightful owner disappears down a torch passageway.
The shadow shapeshifter disappears as well....
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