In the Mesa of the Waterfalls in the erotic Ownverse...
In the casket as Crimson sleeps her hardboy heels,yet as she sleeps the mysterious crysaline waters awake memories she lost and her lost menories take the shape of vivid drems.
A large Victorian house with a long pier which extends into a shimmering lake. Details are vague and fractured as her mind trys to pull the detals together--
She knows that they lived together and her lover Chuck is older and handsome for his age, He never rushed her in their relationship they took their time, They were equels in their relationship and she figured that's why it worked. She stands in the familiar teak floored living room--
The scene spins and changes:Crimson herself in his king size bed under the warm covers and her long orange red hair glows; outside a blizzard snow falls and the wind howls.They'te together and he rolls her under the warm covers; his touch is gentle powefuk for his age but to Crimson he's the best thing that ever happen. "Conquer me," she coos softly.
"Of course."
They love make into the early evening, Outside the blizzard has subsided to falling snow.
They prop themselves againt the bedreat and Chuck toys with her long orange redhair with his fingers and she teases: "You have a fetish for my hair."
"So what you have soft hair," he counters.
He takes her in his arms again and he gives a hard kiss on her lips; one thing she knows he couldn't keep his hands off of her--
The dream memory goes black as the pristine waters engulf her again in her long deep sleep. The waters churn repairing her scars,cuts,bruises. The pristine waters work its magic over her again for the final time...then the waters drain out of her casket back to the flowing glistening streams. The cssket swings open...
Crimson falls to the ground and moans as she stirs awake from her long sleep. She's soaken wet still from her rejuvimation. She feels like a new babe as she stands up and survey her surroundings,she doesn't recall much except buring Bloodface,
Unbeknowist to the exotic redhead she's being watched by creatures unknown.
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