Several nights later somewhere in the erotic Ownverse...
Crimson stirs awake from her long slumber.
She brushe back her long orange red hair and glances around as she rises to her barefeet. She backs on the mainland in sweet aroma patch of roses. The last thing she recalls is making intensly with Skullface in his huge bed in quietness of the mysterious tower somewhere at the tourquois sea. Skullface's kiss is still wet on her skin and lips.
Now he's cut her lose in the strange Ownverse jungle.
Once on her feet Crimson the exotic Own Goddess selects a path and goes back into the strange Ownverse jungle. She sees the moon phases have long since kicked in which means she's up for grabs in the jungle. Either to be taken or sold. She wonders why Skullface didn't properly sell her to another buyer of the jungle as she meanders along the path. Her blue eyes search both sides of the jungle for any suiters who wish to poessses her. She follows the path for several long hours,she has s sense she's deeply lost. And now with mid afternoon shadows creep in she sees the huge reptile and insect shadows which haunt the Ownverse jungle.
I feel like I'm going to be take soon,Crimson thinks as she follows the path that leads somewhere. She just got a feeling she isn't going to reach the end of the path like she hopes. She stops suddenly when some goblin shadows emerge around her. "Grab the ginger," She hears a voice intone.
Crimson trys to run but a powerful goblin jumps her. She lays on the ground terrified as her wrists are tied behind her back. "Who are you?" Crimson pleas.
"Vagan my dear Crimson," the ghoulish goblin says harshly.
Suddenly Crimson find herself over Vagan's shoulder. She feels his hand grip her bare thighs and squeeze her. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Vagan you have me. The gods dictated so,she murmurs in reaction.
The goblin eagerly places a bound Crimson on the man of his large black widow spider. The ginger gapes as his powerful hand keeps her bare hardbod in place. Crimson gazes blankly at the jungle once again. Still her fear of the goblins keeps her under Vagan's control. She feels his hand squeeze her again OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH she moans which echos in the vast jungle.
He kisses her cheek. "Your mine now. Where Vitgo failed I get to keep you for awhile my ginger of earth."
"Nooooooooooooooo," Crimson barely whispers. "Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo....."
She had been rightfully captured. Crimson falls silent as Vagan strokes her bareback and she gazes blankly at the erotic jungle,rightfully owned once again.
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