Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Shadow Buyers

Somewhere in Ownverse
Several moon phases later...

Crimson has no idea of time nor place except she's in a fishbowl. A fishbowl that has long since her capture by the mysterious troll.Under the moonlight suddenly a gaint pair of fingers grasp Crimson as she screams. His fingers grip her like her steel; she knows something up and that something means sell the human ginger goddess.The troll steps outside his adobe house and gently drops Crimson to the ground.
Dark long haired shadows surround crimson.A transaction takes place and shadows bound Crimson,the own goddess.One tosses her over his and claims the ginger goddess as his own Crimson glances up try to get a look at her owner.Yet in the wet moonlit darkness it's impossible she judges by their shapes they could by nymphs,orcs,goblins, or Gremlins.As Crimson lays bewildered on her owners are she feels alien strong hand squeeze her. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH she moans into the night. Her blues gaze wide at the changing terrain of the Ownverse. As the hand keep her curvy bod anchored she feels the wind whip her glowing long red hair. At times she feels world moving in slow mo as she gasps at how quickly she gets sold or gets taken. "Mon where are you taking me?" Crimson pleas as she stares at the shadowy faces. "Who are you?"
"Shadows my Crimson." He runs his hand over perfect curve hardbod; the ginger goddess gapes his hand calms her down. She feels the weight of wrap bolas on her ankles. This one intends to keep me maybe for himself, she thinks. She feels his steed change direction and rides into what appears to be jungle overgrown grotto.
"Where are we?" She ventures.
"Grotto of Immortality ginger."

Seconds later..
The mysterious muscle shadow keeps a bound Crimson over his shoulder as she glances around the grotto. She has no idea where her new owner is taking her. She feels his firm grips as she can only speculate what they're do with her.


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