Deep in the Ownverse jungle under the twilight moons...
Crimson could only imagine what Din wants for her. With his powerful keeping the long redhaired exotic ginger anchor on his dragonfly, she gazes blankly at the erotic vast jungle below. The Ginger Own Goddess sees no need to spark a conversation with her owner. She feels his power tingle up her spine as she lays on her chest and her bright blue eyes gazes at the beautiful alien sky and the beautiful twilight moons. She tenses and gapes her mouth as Din's powerful fingers stroke and play with her fine glowing long redhair.
"Where are we going?" She pleas. "I demand to know."
Din pulls her hair slightly and she feels pain in her neck. Din blurts. "I'll tell you when the time comes ginger." Suddenly Din kisses her cheek and Crimson feels herself suddenly calm down and she feels his grip on her bare ass. He squeezes her again. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH,she moans.
"That's better my ginger."
Crimson doesn't say nothing. She continues stare as she feels Din's hand stroke her bareback; she's his and she quickly learns that there are some owners you don't challenge. She relaxes as his firm grip maintains its hold upon her. Yes, the musclenoid knows how to project his power over her. She waits and see where Din heads over the vast Ownverse jungle.
Hours later....
He circles his dragonfly flyer over a large clear patch of jungle where several ancient paths converge in the center. Crimson suspects the paths had been made epochs ago when a civilization existed-if one existed at all. Din lands his flyer right in the smooth stone center. Seconds later Crimson finds herself stand erect as Din retires her bonds behind her back.
"March babe." Din gently jabs the exotic blue eyed ginger and she marches forward no question ask. She feels his immense shadow overwhelm her as she follows an unknown trail under the bright twilight moons. The two now enter the exotic erotic jungle and Crimson feels a since isolation on this path for she doesn't hear any wild alien life. With Din keeping his crystal spear staff at her back,she doesn't question him where they're going. Still she doesn't feel like a goddess but a recaptured sex slave. She feels Din stroke her long fine redhair. Her blue eyes search the jungle for any clues where they are but somethings are vine jungle covered and she can't make out if they're entering a broken castle or an ancient city.
With Din she knows that he couldn't leading her anywhere.
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