Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Zorko on the Move

Somewhere in the infinite Ownverse erotic jungle...
 A subdued Crimson,bound, rests on her chest as her long ginger hair covers her face. As she lays on Zorko's new horn beattle steed,she feels his hand keeping her anchor extremely close to him as she looks around the vast beautiful jungle. Her small size gives Zorko the advantage over her. Since her own surrender for now,she understands why he binds her wrists and ankles: to remind her of her place in the jungle and the second message don't try to escape. Prior Crimson objected to being tied but Zorko overruled her.
 Now she lays under his powerful hand as her bright blue eyes look ahead at the jungle. She's owned and her owner intends to keep her for a while or sell her when he gets tired of her or wait to the next moonphase.
  As he lumbers his powerful beattle away from the stange pyramid,she notices he's following a broken dull stone trail. She mumbles "Mon where are we going now?"
Zorko doesn't answer her question. He stares at her out of lust as she feels his fingers squeeze her bare curvy. "You're the perfect ginger.My slave."
Crimson doesn't respond she can't help admire the strength of this beastman and his power over her. Whatever lays ahead in the erotic jungle she has no choice to accept. Still this is a new world for her and she can't help feel like somesort goddess slave from time to time. Yet the Ownverse speaks sensuality all around her and she feels the jungle controlling her.
 OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH she moans as Zorko squeezes her muscles and she feels his fingers twirl her long glowing ginger hair. She doesn't resist nor fight Zorko at all. She doesn't feel helpless to him but more like his rightfully capture captive. She trys to make small talk as he guides his beattle steed through the often horrific jungle. Crimson speculates what lies at the end of the journey.
"Are you going to sell me at the end of this crazy journey?" She ventures. "I'm amaze how much I'm worth in gold and diamonds."
"No my ginger you''ll not be sold yet.I suggest you get some sleep." Zorko barks.
She doesn't say more. She tenses her small curvy bod under his powerful fingers; one thing she's learn about beastmen they adore their human babes. But what Zorko has plans for her is a mystery.

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