Somewhere in the strange erotic jungles of the Ownverse...
A soft senouse OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH disrupts the silent night jungle. It verberates like an echo bouncing off cavern walls. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.....
The unnamed Cyclops knows what he's doing and the sensousal Own Goddess Chloe succumbs to the power of her owner. For her this is consunsel, now owned she has no choice for she's his property. Chloe gasps as his large fingers run through long red hair. She knows this type sex she could never get on earth and earth feels like a long lost memory.
Minutes later...
The cyclops now dominates her. She stands erect as her wrists are bound hehind her back and she lets the cyclop gather her nude vuluperous body over his shoulder. Chloe doesn't ask questions as her new powerful owner takes her to large bug steed. She doesn't care where he takes her he dominfnates and owns her.
Once on his bug steed Chloe lays on her chest close to him and she feels the raw power of her owner as he love to feel her soft white flesh. "Take me where your wish my darling," Chloe murmurs softly. She feels his bug move and she feels the moon rays upon her as she states blankly at the erotic beautiful jungle. She foes where the dmoninating cyclops goes. As the bug moves slowly his large fingers stroke her fondly and she feels his raw power radiate through her. Again she feels his large fingers squeeze her bare flesh...
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH she moans as she tenses her muscles. She sees the cyclops smile for he dominates her, she can only guess where they're going. Eerie large shadows decorate the horizon along with eerie roars and Chloe shudders at such sounds. She feels the cyclops kiss her cheek and welcomes it.