Somewhere in the erotic Ownverse jungle
The mists clear out of the jungle as the setting twilight light set in giving the strange Ownverse Jungle a surreal gothic Halloween look. She feels his fingers on her bare shoulder and the ghoul marches the exotic redhead Own Goddess along the path,now subdued the ghoul controls her at his whims. Once an owner conumerates with her,she belongs to him. A fact Chloe didn't mind.
Under the light of the twilight her long redhair glows making her standout and with her wrists freshly bound behind her bareback,she knows the ghoul is looking for a steed for them. In this part of the world,Chloe feels like she's in a vast endless jungle which she can't escape. For her earth the feels distance,many light years distance but she's adapted to
They emerge out of the erotic Halloween like jungle and Chloe gasps at the large spiders around her and she feels the ghoul lick his lips at the prospect. "Lay down." He orders.
The redhead own goddess does her nude perfect bod glistens under a large rising moon. The mysteriously commands a pair of spider claws to lift her up and Chloe feels the skeletoid mandibles keep her place. It's as if the ghoul whatever it is has power of the elements around him,her included. She's memorized how quickly he catches his spider steed for them both. The large skeletoid mandibles gently release her and she's quickly taken to her his black spider...
Seconds later...
Chloe rests on her chest as she feels the ghoul's mysterious power radiate through her. She feels his narcotic which puts hers into a light sleep. They quickly disappear into jungle from the surreal spider webs.
"Mon where are we going?"
She doesn't get an answer as she feels the spider gallup through the jungle,she feels the Ownverse encloe around her..she feels his fingers squeeze her bare ass...
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh she echos seductively. As the light sleep claims her.