Sunday, November 28, 2021

The Power of the Druid

 The vast erotic Olympiaz jungle a few hours later..

Chloe feels the force of the Ownverse tugging her councious as she feels its light upon her nude incredible nude bod as she rests near his saddle under his powerful fingers. The lone druid which stole her hours before owns her and since she's consumated with him,she's under his power. Above Chloe gazes at the large curviture of the Owncerse and the vast stars around it. As the Own Goddess of this universe which has now adapted and wanted, the exotic blue eye long redhaired as become its denizen/ 

"The gods chose me long ago," She murmurs as she rests on the druid's hidious large ant. The unnamed druid gallups his large ant while his dark powerful fingers keep Chloe in her place. The druid has clearly bound her for transport,for she feels the heavy bolas weighing her bare ankles. Being bound frequently by owners she's used to. 

As the druid's fingers squeeze her bare ass, she squirms and moans OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH in response. Her exotic soft moan echos in the jungle as his ant scurries. Chloe could only guess where this strange druid who desires her wishes to take her too. Having been conquiored, the thought of escapes is often erase from her mind by some. Her submission to the whims of this universe is everything. 

Under the larger than life fingers of this druid,she feels powerless. At least in the end she gets to show her owner a good time. 

"Mon,sweet jungle," Chloe murmurs as her long red hair sway in the wind. She feels his long finger terace up her naked back calming her down. His touch has something sensousal aboute it which she can't place. Yet her owner's touch and lips turn her on like a light bulb. 

"Many sought me and many own me," Chloe proclaims as she feels the ant steer off the trail. "Now my druid you own me." 

"I do my lovely," the lone druid states. 

She feels his ant stop amdist some strange stone shadows and a shadowy structure not far from them. She feels the ahdow of the druid close to her as he gathers in her arms and rolls her over his shoulder. Chloe feels his energy radiate through her nude incredible body. His powerful grip keeps in her place as the druid totes his desirable redhair. 

Chloe feels a cool darkness as they enter into strange structure whatevver it maybe. 

Monday, November 1, 2021

Charge of the Lone Druid

 Deep in the semi darken jungles of mysterious Olympiaz....

Chloe stirs awake pole tied amidist unknown ruins mix with the huge jungle trees which act like a canopy. Air smells of fresh rain has fallen and her soaken wet long redhair covers her face as her head droops. She doesn't recall much of the journey since the Druid raiders stoles a few hours ago. Chloe feels like she's thier foil now. Yet she isn't sure. 

As Chloe drifts in and out of sleep,all she sees is a shadow slide a large colorful tropical flower in her redhair. She feels the strange tropical flower's magic to take hold over her mind. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH she moans sensously, OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH which echos in the alien jungle. 

She feels the large shadowy druid break her bonds and she lets him thrust her over his shoulder. Seconds later she feels the jungle darkness engulf her as the mysterious lone druid disappears into the jungle. Chloe squirms as she feels the large finger hand keeping her in her place as she feels shafts of light from the Ownverse. 


The determeind Druid doesn't answer,the large hand makes Chloe feel small as she rests over his shoulder. She murmurs softly "Those who wish to own me must consutmate with me..." 

The druid has now move far enough from the other druids to a large meadow where his own strange wasp steed rests. Chloe stands memorized as she lets him bound her wrists behind her back again and the Ownverse light makes her incredible curvy nude bod and long redhair make her standout. Minutes later she finds herself on her chest under the firm hand of the druid as she feels his glowing gossamer wing wasp ascend into the heavens. 

"Calm my Chloe of Earth," The druid's memorizing voice states as Chloe continues to squirm as his she feels his fingers lock on her bare ass. She has no idea where the mysterious druid is taking her as she awaits to feel to his lips upon her bare flesh....

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Mysterious Druid Raiders

 Somewhere in the jungles of the Olympiaz...

The unnamed higher Orlock has his reasons for keeping the captivating redhead own goddess bound. Chloe lay under the surreal moonlight of the Ownverse and the beautiful stars above...with her wrists bound behind her back and her ankles bound. Escape from the mysterious Orlock is fruitless at best. 

Yet as she lay under a glowing tower tiger lily tropical flower near the dark,dank jungle, she couldn't help sense that something is coming to get her and beat up the higher orlock. Chloe moan softly and sensually. She stirs restlessly under the large tropical tiger lily. 

Chloe knows thier coming and it's only a matter of time. Parts of Olympiaz are realitively unknown to her. She gazes upward at the cluster strange stars above in the night it's an eerie display of the Milky Way. The star clusters are surreal yet make the night so eerily beautiful. Yet the stars remind her of her own smallness in the larger scheme of the universe. 

Chloe hears a galluping hoofs and strange eerie voices in the distance dark jungle--

"They're coming and I'm the sesnous prize," She softly murmurs as her azure blue eye glimpse at the jungle around her. She hears the huffs grow closer--

Seconds later..

A muscle shadow gathers Chloe over his shoulder and she feels the strange long fingers peirce her bare flessh. As she gazes over the shoulder,she gasps at the confusion around her. She hears the Orlocks growls as he fights back but she knows the surreal shadows are going to kill him. Chloe feels the fingers tighten as the mysterious entity disappears into the dank,dark jungle. The enitty,which poessess her, moves quickly on a predetermine path--

"Give her to me," Chloe hears a voice. 

Another pair of long fingers grasp a helpless,halpless Chloe as her incredible nude bod glows unexpectly. Chloe rests on the mane of an unknown steed and she recongizes the eyes of her abductors. 


She feels the long fingers of the Druid rider on her bare ass as she squirms restlessly and she begs "Untie me/" 

The druid tells her "Shut up goddess." 

Chloe gasps as the rider gallups off with her in the semidarkness of the jungle. She has no idea who these Druids are all she knows they want her...desire her...

Friday, October 1, 2021

Redhead Property of Orlocks

 Deep in the strange,erotic jungles of Olmpiaz...

Chloe feels the tug of the moons upon her. Again the moons have move into thier selling phase of her. The moon phase is part of her present councious mind. She feels the Orlocks firm fingers upon her bare ass as her long redhair twirls in slo mo to his steed winds. With her ankles bound as well, she could only guess where Din is taking her. She's use to being bound for transport. She tenses her incredible nude bod as she squirms under Din's powerful fingers. 

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH she sensually moans as the unfamiliar jungle is a blur as she feels gallup of his horse increase its pace. Along the way she couldn't get anything out of Din on where he's taking her. Chloe figures she'll learn in time...she feels the strange light of the Ownverse upon her naked flesh. Chloe picks on the eerie roars here and there in jungle,frequently she would see srange monsterous shadows. She feels the Orlock's affectionae hold upon her. She doesn't resist him at all for the Own Goddess never resists her owners. She knows she's in the Dominion of the Orlocks. Chloe knows since one has her another one wants her. The fingers squeeze her gently again...


His large fingers remain locked upon her bare ass. Chloe simply gazes at the erotic jungle areound and wonders what fate has arranged for her. Din had been cryptic but she sensed a higher Orlock must've somehow got wind about her somewhere in the jungle. Or Din has made a deal wth this higher Orlock who wants her,there's no way around it. She gasps at being squeezed again. She knows that Din doesn't want to part with her. 

A few hours later...

A setting Ownverse larger planet creates a bizarre sunset amidts the strange ancient ruins. Chloe lays under his larger foot resting on her bare back; Din's strength reminds her of her position in this universe. His large barefoot doesn't feel like a crushing force but it's storng enough to keep in her place and remind her don't try to escape him. 

Chloe turns her head and sees the orlock's muscle shadow. He's larger than Din and she feels his eyes staring with a lustful satisfaction at her. 

"You brought her." The high,larger Orlock approaches them and Din removes his foot. Chloe gasps and let's out an inaudible moan as she's gently resterd over a larger shoulder. Larger fingers gently squeeze her bare flesh. Chloe knows she's now owned again. 

She watches Din disappear from the shoulder of her new powerful owner...

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Charge of the Orlock

 The mysterious Orlock knows what he's doing. 

His bound nude curvy Own Goddess Chloe squirms and tenses under his powerful fingers. Her glowing long red hair dances in the wind his steed gallups through jungle of Olympiaz. Chloe feels that this isn't the Din that owned her long ago. But this new Din is more powerful for she feels his power course through her. Tensing her muscles and squirming doesn't matter to him. His grip upon her bare bass is firm and strong,she feels his fingers squeeze her...Chloe releases her sensual moan OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH which feels is echoing through the strange beautful jungle of this new world of the Ownverse,a universe she yearned to be in long ago. 

His poweful unicorn gallups with speed and as Chloe lays on its mane grasping the bolas which bound her wrists,her hypnotic blue eyes stare at the bluring neon colorful jungle. 


"Where we going mon," She begs. 

The Orlock lets out his hauty laugh. Chloe knows her fate. The surreal jungle grown unfamiliar....strange bat insects dart about. Din has taken her far away from the Warlock whose now dead but she has a feeling she's been taken to place where they can't be found. She can't help but admire his power and dominance over her. On this new world she's rate prize of the universe. That she could never escape from. 

Hours later....

As Olympiaz move into the darker side of the Ownverse in its,Chloe stirs awake over Din's shoulder and she reacts by squirming to let him know she's alive. She doesn't know how long she slept. She stars above and the other moons of the Ownverse system. She figures his unicorn isn't far away. 

He sits down in the beautiful neon tropical flower meadow. The huge tropical flowers hides them and Chloe inhaales its sensual smell. She murmurs "Conquor I,the goddess." 

Seconds later Chloe feels his hands and lips all over her. His domination and ownership of her is now complete. Her sensual moans echo in the night she struggles under the powerful hands that poessess her....

Friday, April 9, 2021

Din,Orlock of the Jungle

 In  the strange jungle of Olmpiaz a kilometer away from the Warlock's Tower....

Chloe stirs awake under unknown bright moon. The last thing she recalls is making out with the warlock before falling asleep. As she lays nude loosely tied spread eagle she rolls her head and sees the yawning mouth of the beautiful Olmpiaz erotic jungle. Though she's tied loosely the erotic redhair Own Goddess doesn't even attempt to break her bonds. On her councious mind she feels the mysterious powers of the Ownverse working her. Chloe lays submissive and inviting to those in the jungle that want and desire her. Chloe feels that power,a power her will can't break. From a distance her perfect bod,her long redhair glow under the moonlight making her more inviting....

On this world,the Warlock knows what he doing with her. 

Chloe murmurs softly as she stirs against her bonds which she can't break. In the distance yawning shadow of the jungle she hears galluping hoofs of steeds unknown drawing closer with each gallup. Her fate is sealed.

At the sametime as the hoofs grow louder,a surreal fog of rolls in and blankets her vision. She feels the surreal color fog dampness against her face as she trys to make out anything for suddenly the galluping loud hoofs stop...

"My owner has arrived," Chloe murnurs in her french english voice. She could only see one vague shadow as she feels her bonds being cut. She feels strong fingers raise her upward and she stands calm as she lets the vague shadow bind her wrists hehind her back. 

Chloe feels the same strong fingers cradle her in its arms and she feels the surreal fog clear as it heads toward his horn boar steed. Chloe gazes at that face of her owner and she knows who it is. Din. 

Moments later Din lays his redhaired legend upon the mane of his horned boar near him. She feels his stronger fingers on her bare curvy ass,as his steed increase in gallup back into the infintite jungle,Chloe gazes point blank as the wind whip her beautiful glowing redhair. She feels his fingers squeezing her bare ass 

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH she moans which echos through the stange nocturnal jungle...

For now Chloe only guesses where Din is taking his priceless redhaired legend.